martes, 6 de julio de 2021

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying


Hello, well the subject that I liked very much was arts, it was de-stressing compared to the other subjects. The teacher gave us a topic and we were free in how to express that topic, for example: pollution, feminism, online classes... among others.                             

In those classes I felt very free and calm, I remember that with my friend we listened to music and talked while we painted. Thanks to these classes I learned to improve my way of drawing and painting, sometimes I use what I learned, but not very often I have the desire and time to draw.

In those classes I learned several things such as getting to know myself more, interpreting my ideas or my thoughts through drawings. Also to have more patience, since there were certain jobs that took a long time as a "Flipbook" that work I remember that I felt eternal.

Before I had that bouquet I thought we were going to just draw and logically nothing would be learned but eventually, I learned more in many ways.

So I will fondly remember Arts.

Thanks for reading!!

martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

Hello, well today I will talk about Griselda Hinojosa. She was a woman who deserves the admiration of people and more if she is a pharmaceutical chemist. Because she was part of the first generation of women who graduated in chemistry and pharmacy also from the Universidad de Chile.

This means a big change in Chile in terms of the position of women within Chilean society.

Because during these years there was a very conservative society. She was a pioneer in representing feminism. She was born in Copiapó in 1875, the daughter of Pablo Hinojosa and Mercedes Flores.

She studied in “Escuela Particular de Niñas Rafael Valdés” and the “Liceo de Niñas de Copiapó”. She then entered to study chemistry and pharmacy at the Universidad de Chile. He graduated on December 1899 with the thesis Contribution to the study of Solanum Tomatillo.

Also as I mentioned she was part of the first group of women to receive a university degree in Chile, after the issuance of the Amunátegui decree in 1877, among whom were the physicians Eloísa Díaz (1886) and Ernestina Pérez (1887) and the lawyers Matilde Throup (1892) and Matilde Brandau (1898). He practiced his profession in the “Botica y Droguería Copiapó” until 1909, and in the Manuel Antonio Matta Pharmacy, located on the homonymous avenue in Santiago

Sadly she passed away in 1959.

Thanks for reading!!

martes, 22 de junio de 2021

Post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place?


Hello, Well I think my specialty can affect the world in various ways since chemistry and pharmacy is a career with many areas. 

They can help by researching to create medicines or other substances like vaccines that are currently having a big impact globally due to covid. Another area is also healthcare where they can directly help patients in a hospital. I see myself in the future being part of one of these areas, and in the same way, making a great impact to help society.

 Although I imagine more in an area of research relative to my career, I would like to help in research to find solutions to diseases that do not yet possess a cure. 

It has contributed in a great way with vaccines for covid since it has been a terrible virus that has brought great consequences and thanks to the important role of pharmaceutical chemists have reached a possible cure for the end of this period of covid.

Thanks for reading. 

martes, 1 de junio de 2021

Post 5: A photo and its story


Hi, Well I chose this photo because it shows how we and everyone have problems but not all people show these problems, also it shows how sometimes we want to scream at ourselves to release. This makes me think that everyone has their own internal fights and the rest of the people ignore this.

So it is very important that don´t forget that everyone has problems,.. because this is impossible, and If someone shows that everything is perfect sorry but we need to accept that life has good things and bad things.

I am interested in this because I can feel the emotion that he has, this photo transmits true emotions.

The story behind the photo is that he is an artist specifically it is a “singer” his name is “Lytos” and he sings about  very intense themes for example problems in the world, personal problems that he wants to share with people, and other things. The “song” “Lo siento” is the song that makes me think a lot.


 Thanks for reading, and I invite you to listen to this artist.

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Post 4: A meal or food you really like

 Hello, Today I will talk about my favorite food.

Well, the food that I really like a lot so much is the hamburger.

I really like the hamburger that has bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, cheddar cheese, and recently I like to eat this with pickle, I like to eat hamburgers in Burger King but the hamburgers are everywhere and one can also make one at home. But is not the same, I don´t know what they use but the taste is different.

I like it so much because I don´t eat this frequently, so it´s like a prize.

My mother prefers to cook rather than buying, consequently, it is very rare to buy fast food also because it is cheaper to cook.

Eating burgers is not healthy, that's why you don't have to eat them very often.

Remember to eat with prudence. :)

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

 My favorite piece of technology is my cell phone because I do a lot of things that I need or I want to do as for example I can watch series there it is what I like the most that I like, also to listen to music on Spotify when I study, also I can watch videos on youtube about gameplays or mystery videos on the channel of Paulette and streaming in platforms such as example Auronplay when I have free time, and also because the cell phone has Instagram where I read posts of influencers, friends and youtubers. Twitter even if I don't see myself use this usually and the last app is tik-tok a month ago I will not look me using this app, but surprisingly it´s funny.

My cell phone affects my life in different ways, in the negative side, it is where I always go  I have my cell phone I know that is bad in these times the cellphone is necessary for the university. Also, the cellphone has a good side as to study, communication, and entertainment.

Of course, I recommend using the cellphone it´s very important in these times because at present technology very important and stays connected with the world.

martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Post 2: Why did I choose my major?


Hi!!, Well when I was a child,  I didn´t have a clearly idea about my dream job, sometimes I wanted to be a doctor, a veterinary, a fireman, a police officer. I always found  something negative, but I never wanted to be a dentist (this is a long story). My other career options were obstetrics, nursing and my last option was kinesiology.

I´m not sure how I decided because I was accepted in obstretriscs also in chemistry and pharmacy. I remember that  day I looked for the pros and cons about both careers (employability, salary, etc),  finally I decided to stay in chemistry and pharmacy (it was a hard decision).

For me so far I have had a good experience, I have met very nice classmates and I like this career a lot more.

 I would like to work in investigations like in the forensic area and of course with a good salary.


Thanks for reading!!

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

  Hello, well the subject that I liked very much was arts, it was de-stressing compared to the other subjects. The teacher gave us a topic a...